Welcome to Official blog of ''SHIV SHANI MANDIR,OLD B.D.O OFFICE,DHORI'' , run by AMIT PATHAK to provide religious facts among devotees.

Thursday, May 30, 2013
॥ शनि परिचय ॥
श्री शनिदेव माँ छाया व सूर्यदेव के पुत्र है।इनका स्थान नवग्रहो मे ही एक है।ये निले वस्त्र पहनते है व इनका वाहन गिद्द है।शनि के अधिदेवता प्रजापति ब्रह्मा एवं द्रव्यादि देवता यम है।इनका वर्ण कृष्ण (काला) है।भगवान शिव ने इन्हे शिष्य के रुप मे स्थान देते हुए "न्याय के देवता" की उपाधि दिया है। शिव ने शनि को विष्णु का अवतार एवं काली का वरदान कहा है।यूँ तो ऐ हर राशि मे 30 वर्ष तक रहते है पर मकर व कुंभ के राशिश है।
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Do you know who is
Shani Dev?
Shani is considered to
be the Strongest
Malefic Planet as well as
a Good Teacher who
represents Patience,
Efforts, Endeavour and
Endurance and even
brings Misfortunes.
However, a favorably
placed Shanidev in
horoscope of a person
gives a strong career,
healthy life and
everything positive for
that person. Shani
placed unfavorably on
the other hand brings
troubles. Any Pleasure
or Pain that takes place
during Shani's influence
is not by chance rather
it is the result of the
person's own karma.
Thus an unfavorably
placed Shani gives harsh
results of one's . bad
karma, and vice-versa.
Shaneeswran is one of
the Navagrahas which
are the nine primary
Celestial beings in Hindu
Astrology. Shani is
embodied in the planet
Shani or Saturn.
Shanidev is the Lord of
Saturday. The word
Shani also denotes the
seventh day i.e
Saturday in most Indian
languages. Lord Shani is
also known as
Bhagavan, Shaneesvara,
Shaneesvaran, Shani
Deva. Shani is a Deva
and son of Surya and
his wife Chhaya and
hence also known as
Chayyaputra. He is the
cousin of Yum, the
Hindu God of death.
Shani dev is said to be
very harmful to those
who follow the path of
betrayal, backstabbing
and unjust revenge.
Shani is greatest
trouble giver as well as
the greatest well
wisher for all mankind.
Shani revolves around
the Sun in about 30
years, which means it
passes through all the
12 Rashis in 30 years.
Lord Shane’s face is
polite and the eyes are
half-opened. He has a
dark complexion with a
gleam on his face of
burning fire. He owns
eight riders that are
Buffalo, Vulture,
Elephant, Horse, Deer,
Ass,Crow and Dog. . .
The Adi Devatha is
Yaman and the
Prathyathi Devatha is
Prajapathi. His colour is
black. His vehicle is
crow; the grain
associated with him is
Gingelley; the flower -
vanni and black kuvalai;
fabric - black cloth; gem
- Neel am (blue
sapphire); food - rice
mixed with Gingelley
Shani Sade Sati, a period
of seven and a half year
is said to be very
“inauspicious” or
“Ashubh”. According to
Vedic Astrology, this is
a period with many
challenges and some
incidents / accidents.
People passing through
the period of Shani Sade
Sati may encounter
Road Accidents,
Fractures, Sudden Falls
from High positions,
Money Problems,
Serious Health
Problems.Shani also
Rules Separation, he
hurts us by taking
things away from us.
When we face a painful
separation from our
parents, spouse,
friends or anyone we
There are total 12
signs. Shani Sade Sati is
a position where Moon
is posited in your birth
chart and the current
position of Shani. Shani
Sade Sati starts when
Shani enters the 12 th
sign from the birth
Moon and ends when
leaves 2nd sign from
the birth Moon. “Sade
Sati” means 7 ½ i.e.
“seven and a half ”.
Saturn stays 2 ½ years
on an average on a sign.
So, on three signs
combined, Shani stays
for 7 ½ Years and hence
it is called Shani Sade
Sati . . Lord Shiva is the
Guru of Shani Dev.
When Shani - Saturn
transits through the
12th, 1st, and 2nd
house from the Natal
Moon, this term is
better known as Shani
Sade Satti. Saturn takes
2.5 years to pass
through each zodiac
sign, its movement
through 3 zodiac signs
make it 7.5 years.
During Shani Sade Sati
we may feel Business
Losses, Job Problems,
Marriage - Child -
Nearest - Dearest
Problems, Serious
Diseases, along with
feel of Sadistic, Greedy,
Lazy, Dishonest,
Fearful, Irresponsible
and Drug addict too.
Sade Sati cycle repeats
about two or three
times within Full life
span of a person. It
reappears after every
25 years from when it
first finished.
The first cycle of Sade
Sati (7.5yrs)Sadhesati
of Saturn is extremely
intense and during this
period you may
experience physical pain.
In the second cycle of
Sade Sati / Sadhesati,
Saturn exerts mediocre
influence compared to
first cycle. During this
period you succeed
through physical
struggle and labour.
Despite mental unrest,
your worldly progress
continues. You may
suffer separation or
loss of parents or other
elders in the family.
In the third cycle of
Sade Sati Saturn inflicts
extremely harsh
results. During this
period you may face
tremendous physical
hardships. There will be
illness and even fear of
death. During this period
only fortunate persons
Lord Shani Dev
enters in Our Life to
Punish Us for Our
Sins As:-
» Shani Peeda OR
Shani Grah Dosh
» Shani Dhaiya ( 2.5
Years ) And Shani
Sade Sati 7.5 Years.
» Shani Mahadasha
for 19 Years
» And Being Angry
Shani Dev Destroys
Our whole Life
» May Turn Your Life
as a Raja ( King ) Or a
Runk ( Beggar)
Father - Lord Surya
Dev (Sun)
Mother - Chhaya Devi
Guru / Teacher - Lord
Brother - Yam Raj
( Death God )
Sister -Yamuna Devi
Color - Dark, Black
Vehicle - Vulture,
Crow & Buffalo
Nature - Serious,
Justice Loving, Angry
Friend - Hanuman,
Kaala Bhairav, etc
Friendly Relationship
- Rahu & Ketu
Other Names -
Saptarchi, Chayasuta,
Krushno etc.
Shani Dev?
Shani is considered to
be the Strongest
Malefic Planet as well as
a Good Teacher who
represents Patience,
Efforts, Endeavour and
Endurance and even
brings Misfortunes.
However, a favorably
placed Shanidev in
horoscope of a person
gives a strong career,
healthy life and
everything positive for
that person. Shani
placed unfavorably on
the other hand brings
troubles. Any Pleasure
or Pain that takes place
during Shani's influence
is not by chance rather
it is the result of the
person's own karma.
Thus an unfavorably
placed Shani gives harsh
results of one's . bad
karma, and vice-versa.
Shaneeswran is one of
the Navagrahas which
are the nine primary
Celestial beings in Hindu
Astrology. Shani is
embodied in the planet
Shani or Saturn.
Shanidev is the Lord of
Saturday. The word
Shani also denotes the
seventh day i.e
Saturday in most Indian
languages. Lord Shani is
also known as
Bhagavan, Shaneesvara,
Shaneesvaran, Shani
Deva. Shani is a Deva
and son of Surya and
his wife Chhaya and
hence also known as
Chayyaputra. He is the
cousin of Yum, the
Hindu God of death.
Shani dev is said to be
very harmful to those
who follow the path of
betrayal, backstabbing
and unjust revenge.
Shani is greatest
trouble giver as well as
the greatest well
wisher for all mankind.
Shani revolves around
the Sun in about 30
years, which means it
passes through all the
12 Rashis in 30 years.
Lord Shane’s face is
polite and the eyes are
half-opened. He has a
dark complexion with a
gleam on his face of
burning fire. He owns
eight riders that are
Buffalo, Vulture,
Elephant, Horse, Deer,
Ass,Crow and Dog. . .
The Adi Devatha is
Yaman and the
Prathyathi Devatha is
Prajapathi. His colour is
black. His vehicle is
crow; the grain
associated with him is
Gingelley; the flower -
vanni and black kuvalai;
fabric - black cloth; gem
- Neel am (blue
sapphire); food - rice
mixed with Gingelley
Shani Sade Sati, a period
of seven and a half year
is said to be very
“inauspicious” or
“Ashubh”. According to
Vedic Astrology, this is
a period with many
challenges and some
incidents / accidents.
People passing through
the period of Shani Sade
Sati may encounter
Road Accidents,
Fractures, Sudden Falls
from High positions,
Money Problems,
Serious Health
Problems.Shani also
Rules Separation, he
hurts us by taking
things away from us.
When we face a painful
separation from our
parents, spouse,
friends or anyone we
There are total 12
signs. Shani Sade Sati is
a position where Moon
is posited in your birth
chart and the current
position of Shani. Shani
Sade Sati starts when
Shani enters the 12 th
sign from the birth
Moon and ends when
leaves 2nd sign from
the birth Moon. “Sade
Sati” means 7 ½ i.e.
“seven and a half ”.
Saturn stays 2 ½ years
on an average on a sign.
So, on three signs
combined, Shani stays
for 7 ½ Years and hence
it is called Shani Sade
Sati . . Lord Shiva is the
Guru of Shani Dev.
When Shani - Saturn
transits through the
12th, 1st, and 2nd
house from the Natal
Moon, this term is
better known as Shani
Sade Satti. Saturn takes
2.5 years to pass
through each zodiac
sign, its movement
through 3 zodiac signs
make it 7.5 years.
During Shani Sade Sati
we may feel Business
Losses, Job Problems,
Marriage - Child -
Nearest - Dearest
Problems, Serious
Diseases, along with
feel of Sadistic, Greedy,
Lazy, Dishonest,
Fearful, Irresponsible
and Drug addict too.
Sade Sati cycle repeats
about two or three
times within Full life
span of a person. It
reappears after every
25 years from when it
first finished.
The first cycle of Sade
Sati (7.5yrs)Sadhesati
of Saturn is extremely
intense and during this
period you may
experience physical pain.
In the second cycle of
Sade Sati / Sadhesati,
Saturn exerts mediocre
influence compared to
first cycle. During this
period you succeed
through physical
struggle and labour.
Despite mental unrest,
your worldly progress
continues. You may
suffer separation or
loss of parents or other
elders in the family.
In the third cycle of
Sade Sati Saturn inflicts
extremely harsh
results. During this
period you may face
tremendous physical
hardships. There will be
illness and even fear of
death. During this period
only fortunate persons
Lord Shani Dev
enters in Our Life to
Punish Us for Our
Sins As:-
» Shani Peeda OR
Shani Grah Dosh
» Shani Dhaiya ( 2.5
Years ) And Shani
Sade Sati 7.5 Years.
» Shani Mahadasha
for 19 Years
» And Being Angry
Shani Dev Destroys
Our whole Life
» May Turn Your Life
as a Raja ( King ) Or a
Runk ( Beggar)
Father - Lord Surya
Dev (Sun)
Mother - Chhaya Devi
Guru / Teacher - Lord
Brother - Yam Raj
( Death God )
Sister -Yamuna Devi
Color - Dark, Black
Vehicle - Vulture,
Crow & Buffalo
Nature - Serious,
Justice Loving, Angry
Friend - Hanuman,
Kaala Bhairav, etc
Friendly Relationship
- Rahu & Ketu
Other Names -
Saptarchi, Chayasuta,
Krushno etc.
॥शनिदेव की आरती॥
जय जय श्री शनिदेव
भक्तन हिकारी ।
सूरज के पुत्र प्रभु
छाया महतारी ।।
जय जय श्री शनिदेव
भक्तन हिकारी ।
श्याम अंक वक्र दृष्ट
चतुर्भुजा धारी ।
नालाम्बर धार नाथ गज
की अवसारी ।।
जय जय श्री शनिदेव
भक्तन हिकारी ।
क्रीट मुकुट शीश रजित
दिपत है लिलारी । मुक्तन
की माला गले शोभित
बलिहारी ।।
जय जय श्री शनिदेव
भक्तन हिकारी ।
मोदक मिष्ठान पान चढ़त
है सुपारी । लोहा तिल
तेल उड़द
महिषी अति प्यारी ।।
जय जय श्री शनिदेव
भक्तन हिकारी ।
दे दनुज ऋषि मुनि सुमिरत
नर नारी । विश्वनाथ
धरत ध्यान शरण हैं
तुम्हारी ।।
जय जय श्री शनिदेव
भक्तन हिकारी ।
जय जय श्री शनिदेव
भक्तन हिकारी ।
सूरज के पुत्र प्रभु
छाया महतारी ।।
जय जय श्री शनिदेव
भक्तन हिकारी ।
श्याम अंक वक्र दृष्ट
चतुर्भुजा धारी ।
नालाम्बर धार नाथ गज
की अवसारी ।।
जय जय श्री शनिदेव
भक्तन हिकारी ।
क्रीट मुकुट शीश रजित
दिपत है लिलारी । मुक्तन
की माला गले शोभित
बलिहारी ।।
जय जय श्री शनिदेव
भक्तन हिकारी ।
मोदक मिष्ठान पान चढ़त
है सुपारी । लोहा तिल
तेल उड़द
महिषी अति प्यारी ।।
जय जय श्री शनिदेव
भक्तन हिकारी ।
दे दनुज ऋषि मुनि सुमिरत
नर नारी । विश्वनाथ
धरत ध्यान शरण हैं
तुम्हारी ।।
जय जय श्री शनिदेव
भक्तन हिकारी ।
॥ श्री शनि चालिसा ॥
जय गणेश गिरिजा सुवन,
मंगल करण कृपाल ।
दीनन के दुःख दूर करि ,
कीजै नाथ निहाल ॥1॥
जय जय श्री शनिदेव
प्रभु , सुनहु विनय
महाराज ।
करहु कृपा हे रवि तनय ,
राखहु जन की लाज ॥2॥
जयति जयति शनिदेव
दयाला । करत सदा भक्तन
प्रतिपाला ॥
चारि भुजा, तनु श्याम
विराजै । माथे रतन मुकुट
छवि छाजै ॥
परम विशाल मनोहर
भाला ।
टेढ़ी दृष्टि भृकुटि विकराला ॥
कुण्डल श्रवन चमाचम चमके
। हिये माल मुक्तन
मणि दमकै ॥
कर में गदा त्रिशूल
कुठारा । पल बिच करैं
अरिहिं संहारा ॥
पिंगल, कृष्णो, छाया,
नन्दन । यम, कोणस्थ,
रौद्र, दुःख भंजन ॥
सौरी, मन्द शनी दश
नामा । भानु पुत्र
पूजहिं सब कामा ॥
जापर प्रभु प्रसन्न हवैं
जाहीं । रंकहुं राव करैं
क्षण माहीं ॥
पर्वतहू तृण होइ निहारत
। तृणहू को पर्वत
करि डारत ॥
राज मिलत वन
रामहिं दीन्हयो । कैकेइहुँ
की मति हरि लीन्हयो ॥
वनहुं में मृग कपट दिखाई ।
मातु जानकी गई चुराई ॥
लषणहिं शक्ति विकल
करिडारा । मचिगा दल में
हाहाकारा ॥
रावण की गति-
मति बौराई । रामचन्द्र
सों बैर बढ़ाई ॥
दियो कीट करि कंचन
लंका । बजि बजरंग बीर
की डंका ॥
नृप विक्रम पर तुहि पगु
धारा । चित्र मयूर
निगलि गै हारा ॥
नौलखा लाग्यो चोरी ।
हाथ पैर
डरवायो तोरी ॥
भारी दशा निकृष्ट
दिखायो । तेलहिं घर
कोल्हू चलवायो ॥
विनय राग दीपक महँ
कीन्हयों । तब प्रसन्न
प्रभु ह्वै सुख दीन्हयों ॥
हरिश्चन्द्र नृप
नारि बिकानी । आपहुं भरे
डोम घर पानी ॥
तैसे नल पर
दशा सिरानी । भूंजी-
मीन कूद गई पानी ॥
श्री शंकरहिं गह्यो जब
जाई ।
पारवती को सती कराई
तनिक विकलोकत
ही करि रीसा । नभ
उड़ि गतो गौरिसुत
सीसा ॥
पाण्डव पर भै
दशा तुम्हारी ।
बची द्रोपदी होति उधारी ॥
कौरव के
भी गति मति मारयो ।
युद्ध महाभारत
करि डारयो ॥
रवि कहँ मुख महँ
धरि तत्काला । लेकर
कूदि परयो पाताला ॥
शेष देव-लखि विनती लाई
। रवि को मुख ते
दियो छुड़ाई ॥
वाहन प्रभु के सात
सुजाना । जग दिग्गज
गर्दभ मृग स्वाना ॥
जम्बुक सिह आदि नख
धारी । सो फल ज्योतिष
कहत पुकारी ॥
गज वाहन लक्ष्मी गृह आवैं
। हय ते सुख
सम्पत्ति उपजावै ॥
गर्दभ हानि करै बहु
काजा । सिह सिद्ध्कर
राज समाजा ॥
जम्बुक बुद्धि नष्ट कर
डारै । मृग दे कष्ट प्राण
संहारै ॥
जब आवहिं स्वान सवारी ।
चोरी आदि होय डर
भारी ॥
तैसहि चारि चरण यह
नामा । स्वर्ण लौह
चाँदी अरु तामा ॥
लौह चरण पर जब प्रभु आवैं
। धन जन सम्पत्ति नष्ट
करावैं ॥
समता ताम्र रजत
शुभकारी । स्वर्ण सर्वसुख
मंगल भारी ॥
जो यह शनि चरित्र नित
गावै । कबहुं न
दशा निकृष्ट सतावै ॥
अद्भुत नाथ दिखावैं
लीला । करैं शत्रु के
नशि बलि ढीला ॥
जो पण्डित सुयोग्य
बुलवाई । विधिवत
शनि ग्रह शांति कराई ॥
पीपल जल शनि दिवस
चढ़ावत । दीप दान दै बहु
सुख पावत ॥
कहत राम सुन्दर प्रभु
दासा । शनि सुमिरत सुख
होत प्रकाशा ॥
॥ दोहा ॥
पाठ शनिश्चर देव को,
की हों 'भक्त' तैयार ।
करत पाठ चालीस दिन,
हो भवसागर पार ॥
जय गणेश गिरिजा सुवन,
मंगल करण कृपाल ।
दीनन के दुःख दूर करि ,
कीजै नाथ निहाल ॥1॥
जय जय श्री शनिदेव
प्रभु , सुनहु विनय
महाराज ।
करहु कृपा हे रवि तनय ,
राखहु जन की लाज ॥2॥
जयति जयति शनिदेव
दयाला । करत सदा भक्तन
प्रतिपाला ॥
चारि भुजा, तनु श्याम
विराजै । माथे रतन मुकुट
छवि छाजै ॥
परम विशाल मनोहर
भाला ।
टेढ़ी दृष्टि भृकुटि विकराला ॥
कुण्डल श्रवन चमाचम चमके
। हिये माल मुक्तन
मणि दमकै ॥
कर में गदा त्रिशूल
कुठारा । पल बिच करैं
अरिहिं संहारा ॥
पिंगल, कृष्णो, छाया,
नन्दन । यम, कोणस्थ,
रौद्र, दुःख भंजन ॥
सौरी, मन्द शनी दश
नामा । भानु पुत्र
पूजहिं सब कामा ॥
जापर प्रभु प्रसन्न हवैं
जाहीं । रंकहुं राव करैं
क्षण माहीं ॥
पर्वतहू तृण होइ निहारत
। तृणहू को पर्वत
करि डारत ॥
राज मिलत वन
रामहिं दीन्हयो । कैकेइहुँ
की मति हरि लीन्हयो ॥
वनहुं में मृग कपट दिखाई ।
मातु जानकी गई चुराई ॥
लषणहिं शक्ति विकल
करिडारा । मचिगा दल में
हाहाकारा ॥
रावण की गति-
मति बौराई । रामचन्द्र
सों बैर बढ़ाई ॥
दियो कीट करि कंचन
लंका । बजि बजरंग बीर
की डंका ॥
नृप विक्रम पर तुहि पगु
धारा । चित्र मयूर
निगलि गै हारा ॥
नौलखा लाग्यो चोरी ।
हाथ पैर
डरवायो तोरी ॥
भारी दशा निकृष्ट
दिखायो । तेलहिं घर
कोल्हू चलवायो ॥
विनय राग दीपक महँ
कीन्हयों । तब प्रसन्न
प्रभु ह्वै सुख दीन्हयों ॥
हरिश्चन्द्र नृप
नारि बिकानी । आपहुं भरे
डोम घर पानी ॥
तैसे नल पर
दशा सिरानी । भूंजी-
मीन कूद गई पानी ॥
श्री शंकरहिं गह्यो जब
जाई ।
पारवती को सती कराई
तनिक विकलोकत
ही करि रीसा । नभ
उड़ि गतो गौरिसुत
सीसा ॥
पाण्डव पर भै
दशा तुम्हारी ।
बची द्रोपदी होति उधारी ॥
कौरव के
भी गति मति मारयो ।
युद्ध महाभारत
करि डारयो ॥
रवि कहँ मुख महँ
धरि तत्काला । लेकर
कूदि परयो पाताला ॥
शेष देव-लखि विनती लाई
। रवि को मुख ते
दियो छुड़ाई ॥
वाहन प्रभु के सात
सुजाना । जग दिग्गज
गर्दभ मृग स्वाना ॥
जम्बुक सिह आदि नख
धारी । सो फल ज्योतिष
कहत पुकारी ॥
गज वाहन लक्ष्मी गृह आवैं
। हय ते सुख
सम्पत्ति उपजावै ॥
गर्दभ हानि करै बहु
काजा । सिह सिद्ध्कर
राज समाजा ॥
जम्बुक बुद्धि नष्ट कर
डारै । मृग दे कष्ट प्राण
संहारै ॥
जब आवहिं स्वान सवारी ।
चोरी आदि होय डर
भारी ॥
तैसहि चारि चरण यह
नामा । स्वर्ण लौह
चाँदी अरु तामा ॥
लौह चरण पर जब प्रभु आवैं
। धन जन सम्पत्ति नष्ट
करावैं ॥
समता ताम्र रजत
शुभकारी । स्वर्ण सर्वसुख
मंगल भारी ॥
जो यह शनि चरित्र नित
गावै । कबहुं न
दशा निकृष्ट सतावै ॥
अद्भुत नाथ दिखावैं
लीला । करैं शत्रु के
नशि बलि ढीला ॥
जो पण्डित सुयोग्य
बुलवाई । विधिवत
शनि ग्रह शांति कराई ॥
पीपल जल शनि दिवस
चढ़ावत । दीप दान दै बहु
सुख पावत ॥
कहत राम सुन्दर प्रभु
दासा । शनि सुमिरत सुख
होत प्रकाशा ॥
॥ दोहा ॥
पाठ शनिश्चर देव को,
की हों 'भक्त' तैयार ।
करत पाठ चालीस दिन,
हो भवसागर पार ॥
Thursday, May 23, 2013
-:शनि मंत्र माला:-
-:॥शनि देव के प्रमुख मंत्र॥:-
*तंत्रोक्त मंत्र*
॥ॐ शं शनिश्चराय नमः॥
*शनि गायत्री मंत्र*
॥ॐ भगभवाय विद्महे मृत्युरुपाय धिमहि तन्नो शनि प्रचोदयात॥
*वेदोक्त मंत्र*
॥ॐ निलान्जन समाभासं रविपुत्रं यमाग्रजं छाया मार्तण्ड संभुतं तं नमामि शनिश्चरं॥
*शनि पिड़ा हरण मंत्र*
॥सूर्य-पुत्रो दीर्घ-
देहो विशालाक्षः शिव
-प्रियः ।
चारः प्रसन्नात्मा पिडां हरतु मे शनिः ॥
*तंत्रोक्त मंत्र*
॥ॐ शं शनिश्चराय नमः॥
*शनि गायत्री मंत्र*
॥ॐ भगभवाय विद्महे मृत्युरुपाय धिमहि तन्नो शनि प्रचोदयात॥
*वेदोक्त मंत्र*
॥ॐ निलान्जन समाभासं रविपुत्रं यमाग्रजं छाया मार्तण्ड संभुतं तं नमामि शनिश्चरं॥
*शनि पिड़ा हरण मंत्र*
॥सूर्य-पुत्रो दीर्घ-
देहो विशालाक्षः शिव
-प्रियः ।
चारः प्रसन्नात्मा पिडां हरतु मे शनिः ॥
shani aarti
Jai Jai Shri Shani Dev
Bhaktan Hitkari
Suraj Ke Putra Prabhu
Chaya Mehtari
!! Jai Jai Shri Shani Dev
Bhaktan Hitkari !!
Shyam Ank Vakra
Drisht Chaturbhurja
Nilamber Dhar Nath Gaj
Ki Aswari
!! Jai Jai Shri Shani Dev
Bhaktan Hitkari !!
Krit Mukut Sheesh Sahej
Dipat Hain Lilari
Muktan Ki Mala Gale
Shobhit Balihari
!! Jai Jai Shri Shani Dev
Bhaktan Hitkari !!
Modak Mishtaan Pan
Chadhat Hain Supari
Loha, Til, Urad Mahishi
Ati Pyari
!! Jai Jai Shri Shani Dev
Bhaktan Hitkari !!
Dev Danuj Rishi Muni
Surat Nar Nari
Vishwanath Dharat
Dhayan Sharan Hain
!! Jai Jai Shri Shani Dev
Bhaktan Hitkari !!
Bhaktan Hitkari
Suraj Ke Putra Prabhu
Chaya Mehtari
!! Jai Jai Shri Shani Dev
Bhaktan Hitkari !!
Shyam Ank Vakra
Drisht Chaturbhurja
Nilamber Dhar Nath Gaj
Ki Aswari
!! Jai Jai Shri Shani Dev
Bhaktan Hitkari !!
Krit Mukut Sheesh Sahej
Dipat Hain Lilari
Muktan Ki Mala Gale
Shobhit Balihari
!! Jai Jai Shri Shani Dev
Bhaktan Hitkari !!
Modak Mishtaan Pan
Chadhat Hain Supari
Loha, Til, Urad Mahishi
Ati Pyari
!! Jai Jai Shri Shani Dev
Bhaktan Hitkari !!
Dev Danuj Rishi Muni
Surat Nar Nari
Vishwanath Dharat
Dhayan Sharan Hain
!! Jai Jai Shri Shani Dev
Bhaktan Hitkari !!
Friday, May 10, 2013
What is BlogThis! ? - Blogger Help
The legend of Shani Dev
Suryadev(son of
Brahma) and Sandhya
(the daugther of
Daksha Prajapati) were
Shri Shaneshwar's
Sandhya and Suryadev
had two sons
Dakshinadhipati Yama
and Shri Shaneshwar
and four daughters
Tapti, Bhadra, Kalindi
and Savitri.
Sandhya finding it
unbearable to live with
the harsh glare of
Surya's light, created
her own replica and
named her as Sanvarna(chhaya)
and asked her to
behave as Surya's wife
and perform all the
duties and savour the
privileges of a wife. She
made her promise that
under no condition
would she reveal to
Suryadev that she was
not Sandhya and
promised to help her
when needed.
Sandhya went back to
her father Daksha.
When Daksha saw that
his daughter coming
back, he advised her
that she better live
with her husband only.
The dejected Sandhya
did not follow her
father's advise and
instead transformed
herself into a mare and
resided in the Himalayas
and started penance.
Savarna performed the
role of dutiful wife. She
also gave birth to five
sons and two
daughters from Surya.
Surya did not have any
doubts about Sanvarna.
One day Shanidev was
very hungry and he
asked his mother to
give him something to
eat. She asked him to
wait till she had made
her first offering to God.
But Shanidev insisted on
serving him first and in
anger kicked his mother
Sanvarna. She in return
cursed him that his leg
would break.
Shanidev reported the
matter to his father
Surya. Surya said," a
mother would never
curse a son like this."
Surya observed
Sanvarna closely and
found that she was not
Sandhya. Surya was
enraged and asked her
who she was. Sanvarna
confessed that she
was a 'shadow' of
Sandhya and that
Sandhya had gone to the
Himalaya for penance.
Surya told Shanidev
that Sanvarna was like
his mother and her
curse would not go in
vain. It is therefore that
Shanidev has one lame
Suryadev(son of
Brahma) and Sandhya
(the daugther of
Daksha Prajapati) were
Shri Shaneshwar's
Sandhya and Suryadev
had two sons
Dakshinadhipati Yama
and Shri Shaneshwar
and four daughters
Tapti, Bhadra, Kalindi
and Savitri.
Sandhya finding it
unbearable to live with
the harsh glare of
Surya's light, created
her own replica and
named her as Sanvarna(chhaya)
and asked her to
behave as Surya's wife
and perform all the
duties and savour the
privileges of a wife. She
made her promise that
under no condition
would she reveal to
Suryadev that she was
not Sandhya and
promised to help her
when needed.
Sandhya went back to
her father Daksha.
When Daksha saw that
his daughter coming
back, he advised her
that she better live
with her husband only.
The dejected Sandhya
did not follow her
father's advise and
instead transformed
herself into a mare and
resided in the Himalayas
and started penance.
Savarna performed the
role of dutiful wife. She
also gave birth to five
sons and two
daughters from Surya.
Surya did not have any
doubts about Sanvarna.
One day Shanidev was
very hungry and he
asked his mother to
give him something to
eat. She asked him to
wait till she had made
her first offering to God.
But Shanidev insisted on
serving him first and in
anger kicked his mother
Sanvarna. She in return
cursed him that his leg
would break.
Shanidev reported the
matter to his father
Surya. Surya said," a
mother would never
curse a son like this."
Surya observed
Sanvarna closely and
found that she was not
Sandhya. Surya was
enraged and asked her
who she was. Sanvarna
confessed that she
was a 'shadow' of
Sandhya and that
Sandhya had gone to the
Himalaya for penance.
Surya told Shanidev
that Sanvarna was like
his mother and her
curse would not go in
vain. It is therefore that
Shanidev has one lame
What is BlogThis! ? - Blogger Help
Recently we have created an email for u all devottees. U can email us for help,info,suggestion and asking a question on
Om namah shivay.
Om namah shivay.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
कैसे करे शनिदेव की पूजा :-
श्री शनि देव की पूजा याचक को सर्व सुख देय है।याचक जिनके ऊपर शनि की दशा हो या जो दशा के कष्ट से निवारण चाहते है उनको प्रायः शनिवार को ब्रह्ममूहुर्त मे उठ कर स्नान आदि से निवृत होकर शनि मंदिर मे जाना चाहिए,वहाँ प्रेम भाव से शनिदेव को नमन करके सर्वप्रथम शुद्द तेल(तिल या सरसो) से अभिषेक करना चाहिए तत्पश्चात चँदन का लेप करके सुगंधित फूल अर्पित करे पुनः काला तिल,जौ व उड़द चढ़ाए।उसके बाद धूप,दीप और भोग लगाना चाहिए व अंत मे ब्राह्मण को दक्षिणा देकर ही मंदिर से प्रस्थान करना चाहिए इस प्रकार पूजा करने से शनि प्रसन्न होते है। ॥ॐ शं शनिदेवाय नमः॥
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